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Death Penalty
verwandte Suchbegriffe:
Die Auswahl wurde auf 30 Dokumente mit der größten Relevanz begrenzt.
- Amnesty International
- Amensty International
- Amnesty International
- Prejean, Helen: Dead man walking
- Death penalty
- Capital punishment
- Capital Punishment in the United States
- Amnesty International
- Dead Man Walking; Philadelphia
- Prejean, Helen: Dead Man Walking
- LAW of the USA
- Prejean, Helen: Dead Man Walking
- Death Penalty
- Law,crime and punishment in the US
- Euthanasia
- Marshall, James Vance: Walkabout
- Death penalty in the USA
- The main theories of sentencing linked to the different types of sentences
- Marshall, James Vance: Walkabout
- Segal, Erich: Love Story
- Leon, Donna: Death in a Strange Country
- Conlon, Gerry: Proved innocent
- Terry Nichols
- Metal - Arten / Musikrichtung und Subkultur
- Euthanasia
- Miller, Arthur: Death of a Salesman
- Euthanasia
- Joyce, James: Eveline
- Prison and death penalty
- Grisham, John: A Time To Kill
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