Irish Immigrants
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit der Thematik der Einwanderung von Iren nach Amerika. Es wird die Geschichte der Familie O'Donnell erzählt, die in Galway lebte und aufgrund schlechter Lebensbedingungen beschloss nach New York auszuwandern. Der Auszug beschreibt das Ankommen der Verwandten von O'Donnell in New York, ihre Schwierigkeiten während der Einreise in Ellis Island und ihren Versuch sich in der neuen Heimat zurechtzufinden. Es wird auch beschrieben, wie die Familie O'Donnell es geschafft hat, sich in Amerika eine bessere Zukunft zu schaffen, trotz der schwierigen Anfangszeit. Das Dokument gibt somit Einblicke in die Erfahrungen von Einwanderern und zeigt, welche Hindernisse und Herausforderungen diese meistern müssen, um ein neues Leben in einem fremden Land zu beginnen.
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Patrick Ottersbach English 11 AP 7th period 11 13 99 Irish Immigrants Mary O Donnell finished cooking the Sunday night dinner. She had spent the entire Sunday afternoon peeling the potatoes, washing the vegetables and preparing the meat. The Sunday night dinner special because it was the only meal the O Donnells spent together. The children, Jonathan, James, and Catherine, returned late from St. James Parochial School and Mr O Donnell, Shamus, worked in his office until late at night. Only Mrs O Donnell stayed at home and painted oil paintings. Dinner is ready Mrs O Donnell shouted. Coming, Mom chanted three voices from the top floor. Soon afterward the family was seated at the old table in the candle lit dining room waiting for Shamus O Donnell to say grace. Bless us, O Lord, for these gifts which we are about to receive from thy bounty through Christ Our Lord, Amen. After everyone had eaten and conversation started to build up, Shamus O Donnell suddenly interrupted: Catherine, Jonathan, James, listen up. Your mother and I have something important to tell you. Do you remember Uncle Edward and his wife, Anne? Yes, sure, Dad. I still remember going to their house sometimes during the weekend, said James. Well, they are coming to New York this fall. Conditions in the part of Galway where we come from have become worse. They have decided that they cannot live there anymore and since we, their relatives, live in New York, the choice was easy. That s great, Dad. I would love to ...
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