Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: The Great Gatsby
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit dem Roman „The Great Gatsby“. Es werden einige Themen angesprochen, wie die Bedeutung von Vergangenheit für den Protagonisten Jay Gatsby, seine Ambitionen, den American Dream, seine Liebe zu Daisy, die verschiedenen Charaktere und Beziehungen untereinander, illegale Geschäfte, das Symbol des grünen Lichts und das Symbol der Augen. Zusammengefasst geht es um den Versuch von Jay Gatsby, seine große Liebe zurückzugewinnen, indem er seine Vergangenheit als Basis nimmt und auf illegale Geschäfte zurückgreift. Letztendlich endet alles in einer Tragödie. Die verschiedenen Symbole, wie das grüne Licht und die Augen, werden im Zusammenhang mit ihren Bedeutungen im Roman erklärt.
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The Power of the past in the novel There is a big mystery around Gatsby´s past. The visitors of his parties love to chat about it, they love to spread wild rumours about his life and his career in illegal businesses. They really don´t care if he had a wealthy or a poor upbringing, the just like the idea of knowing a famous man. Gatsby doesn´t stop that gossip, he doesn´t tell much about himself besides people he gets to know better like Nick. And so Nick gets to know how much the past means to Gatsby. In the past he had that ideal picture of a lovestory, his time with Daisy before he had to join the army in the war. These were probably his happiest moments. And somehow the idea got fixed in his mind that if he could get back everything like it was at that time before it would be perfect again. He just wants to win Daisy back and he doesn´t consider that time changes people, their emotions and their character traits. He also doesn´t realize that maybe Daisy isn´t that adorable lady his lovesick mind made her in his loneliness. We learn more about Gatsby´s youth at his own funeral when his father shows Nick the schedule and the aims of the young boy written down in one of his books. This tells us about Gatsby´s ambition and determination, his will to live the American Dream. The Great Gatsby Nick Carraway moves to New York to get a job as a stock brocker. He finds a small house on Long Island, an expensive area where rich people live. Next to his home lays the big mansion of ...
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