Grisham, John: The Firm
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Buch „The Firm“ von John Grisham. Es handelt von einem jungen Anwalt namens Mitchell McDeere, der bei einem Anwaltsbüro in Memphis anfängt, das jedoch Mafia-verstrickt ist. McDeere entdeckt, dass die Firma große Geldsummen weltweit durch Scheinfirmen wäscht, und gerät dadurch in Gefahr. Er muss sich zwischen Zusammenarbeit mit der FBI oder der Firma entscheiden. In dem Dokument werden auch Themen wie Korruption in Anwaltsbüros und Grishams Schreibstil besprochen. Es wird empfohlen, das Buch zu lesen und es wird auch auf den weniger erfolgreichen Film basierend auf dem Buch eingegangen. Der Autor des Buches, John Grisham, wird auch vorgestellt.
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The Firm Contents: 1 Synopsis This story is set in 1985, although it was written in 1981. John Grisham tells us a story of the Mafia and a young student out of law school who could have any firm in the country but choose lowly Bendini, Lambert and Locke. This boy is Mitchell McDeere, who is at the top of his class at Harvard Law and so he has his choice of the best in America. He has got three job offers and decides to take the one of a well-paying firm in Memphis. But unfortunately this should become a deadly mistake. When Mitch McDeere signs on with Bendini, Lambert & Locke of Memphis, he thinks he and his wife, Abby, are finally on their way. The firm leases him a BMW, pays off his school loans, arranges a mortgage and hires him a decorator. He ignores the fact that five lawyers died over a period of 15 years. Mitch McDeere should have better remembered what his brother Ray - sitting since fifteen years in a Tennessee jail - already knew. You never get nothing for nothing. So Mitchell McDeere finds out the Firm is owned by the most powerful Mob family in Chicago, and that they are laundering big sums of money through dummy corporations around the world. Before long he stumbles upon a secret that could bring every member of the firm, including himself, in jail. After talking with the FBI, who tells him among other things that his home phone was bugged and that there also are bugs in his car, in his home, even in the bedroom and that the firm has killed the lawyers and ...
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