Steinbeck, John: Cannery Row
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Leben in Cannery Row, einem kleinen kalifornischen Fischerdorf. Im Zentrum stehen verschiedene Orte wie die Western Biological Station, die von Doc betrieben wird, Lee Chongs Lebensmittelladen, das „Bear Flag Restaurant“ von Dora und das Palace Flophouse, wo Mack und seine Freunde leben. Die Handlung folgt der Suche der Freunde nach Arbeit, um eine Party für Doc zu finanzieren. Dabei werden auch weitere Charaktere eingeführt, wie der Junge Frankie, den Doc unterstützt, und Gay, der Lee Chongs kaputtes Auto repariert. Das Highlight der Geschichte ist eine chaotische Party, die Mack und seine Freunde für Doc veranstalten, bei der die Froschsammlung von Doc im Mittelpunkt steht. Am Ende des Dokuments stellt sich die Frage, wie Mack seine Freunde wieder beim Ansehen von Doc rehabilitieren kann und Dora gibt ihm den Rat, eine weitere Party zu organisieren.
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CANNERY ROW SYNOPSIS Cannery Row tells the story of the people, who live in Cannery Row, Monterey, California. Only a couple of houses stand in Cannery Row in the Californian fishing Village Monterey: the Western Biological Labour, where the Doc dissects his animals for museums and Universities; the Palace Flophouse, a formally store for fish meal, Mack s and his friends place of refuge; Dora s Bear Flag Restaurant; Lee Chong s inexhaustible grocery and then, over there, the useless boilers and tubes with their changing occupants: a little theatre with wise and mad, loving and crying, loafing and enterprising actors. Western Biological, whose owner and operator is Doc, is right across the street and facing the vacant lot. Lee Chong s grocery is on its catty-corner right and Dora s Bear Flag Restaurant is on its catty-corner left. Western Biological deals in strange and beautiful wares. It is a low building facing the street and the basement is the store-room. Lee Chong s grocery is the only store in Cannery Row. It is small and crowed but within its single room a man can find everything he needs or wants to live and to be happy. Lee Chong s is right of the vacant lot. On the left-hand boundary of the lot is the stern and stately whorehouse of Dora Flood. Dora s Bear Flag Restaurant is a decent, clean, honest, old-fashioned sporting house where a man can take a gall of beer among friends. This is no fly-by-night cheap clip-joint, but a sturdy, virtuous club, built, ...
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