Hemingway, Ernest: A Farewell to Arms
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Das Dokument handelt vom Roman „A Farewell to Arms“ von Ernest Hemingway. Es werden wichtige Infos zum Autor sowie eine kurze Zusammenfassung des Inhalts gegeben. Der Roman spielt während des Ersten Weltkriegs in Italien und beschreibt das Leben eines amerikanischen Freiwilligen namens Mr. Henry, der als Fahrer für den Truppentransport arbeitet. Er verliebt sich in die britische Krankenschwester Catherine Barkley, und nachdem er durch eine Explosion schwer verletzt wird, wird er in ein Krankenhaus in Mailand gebracht, wo er sich erholt. Catherine begleitet ihn und wird schwanger, aber als die italienische Armee sich zurückzieht, fliehen sie in die neutrale Schweiz. Catherine stirbt, als sie versucht, das Baby zur Welt zu bringen.
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A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemigway Ernest Miller Hemingway was born in 1899. His father was a doctor and he was the second child of six children. The family lived in a Chicago suburb. In 1918 he volunteered to work at the Italian front as an ambulance driver. There he got badly wounded, but also twice decorated for his services. One year later Hemingway returned to America, where he married in 1921. The following year he was sent to the Greco-Turkish war as a reporter. After that he settled in Paris, where he started to fiction. His direct and simple style of writing fascinated many people. In 1954 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature for the publication, The Old Man and the Sea . Ernest Hemingway died in 1961. His three major works: â Fiesta â A Farewell to Arms â Men Without Woman The story takes place in Italy during the time of the First World War, when Italy faught against Austria. The main characters: Mr. Henry: He is an American volunteer, in charge of the ambulance drivers, who had to get the wounded people out of the battlefield. Rinaldi: He is an italian doctor, who is the best friend of Mr. Henry. Rinaldi works at the same station as Mr. Henry does. Catherine Barkley: She is a nurse and becomes the girlfriend of Mr. Henry. Helen Ferguson: She is the best friend of Catherine Barkely and works as a nurse too. The plot: It s wartime in europe, a major conflict, which strikes the whole world. Italy tries to defend his country against the Austrian troops. ...
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