The Beatles
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt die Band The Beatles und ihre Mitglieder. Es werden die Biografien von John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison und Ringo Starr dargestellt. Dabei werden ihre Anfänge in der Musik und ihre Karrieren als Teil der Beatles sowie ihre Erfolge als Solokünstler aufgezeigt. Es werden auch einige ihrer bekanntesten Songs und Alben erwähnt. Das Dokument beschreibt ebenfalls das Ende der Beatles und ihre Auflösung aufgrund von Problemen mit Musik und Drogen. Insgesamt gibt das Dokument einen guten Überblick über die Geschichte und Bedeutung einer der berühmtesten Bands der Welt.
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The Beatles The Beatles were one of the most famous bands of the world. They four members of the band from Liverpool had success around the world. (ein paar Lieder von den Beatles) The four members were: John Lennon: He was born on October 9th, 1940 in Liverpool. He played the guitar, he sang and he was the leader of the band. In 1955 he found the band The Quarry Men . Their first gig was on Ju1y 9th 1957. There he met Paul McCartney who played background for John and John asked Paul if he wouldn t like to join the band. Some time later George Harrison also came to the The Quarry Men . John loved the music of Elvis Presley and it helped the band with there music and so they got a Rock n Roll band. After that they changed their name to Johnny & The Moondogs bat after a schort time the changed it back to The Quarry Men . After some time John had the idea with the famous name The Beatles . He married Yoko Ono and he had big success with his solo career and his song Imagine . (Imagine) On December 8th, 1980 he was shot by David Mark Chapman outside his apartment building. Paul McCartney: He was born on June 18th, 1942 in Liverpool. He played the bass-guitar, piano and he sang. On day travelling to school he mat George Harrison. Another good friend of Paul was Ivan Vaughan who invited Paul to a gig where he met John Lennon. There he joined the band. The most songs of the Beatles were written in the early days of the Beatles. John wrote the Rock n Roll songs they were dreamy, ...
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