The Cold War
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt den Kalten Krieg, der von 1945 bis 1991 stattgefunden hat. Der Konflikt fand auf ideologischer, wirtschaftlicher und militärischer Ebene statt und betraf viele Staaten, wobei die USA und die Sowjetunion die wichtigsten waren. Die USA wollte ihre demokratische politische System auf die ganze Welt ausbreiten, während die Sowjetunion ihre kommunistische Ideologie durchsetzen wollte. In den 1940er und 50er Jahren fand in den USA eine Art „Hexenjagd“ auf vermeintliche Kommunisten statt, die von der Kommission für unamerikanische Aktivitäten (HUAC) geleitet wurde. Die Folgen waren Misstrauen und Verunsicherung in der Bevölkerung. Eine bedeutende Krise im Kalten Krieg war die Kubakrise, bei der die Sowjetunion Atomraketen auf Kuba stationierte. Der Konflikt wurde jedoch friedlich beigelegt. Der Kalte Krieg endete offiziell 1991 nach Unterzeichnung des SALT-Abkommens. Der Autor betont in seiner persönlichen Meinung, dass viele unschuldige Menschen wegen des Machtstrebens der USA und Sowjetunion leiden mussten.
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The Cold War The Cold War was a period of East-West competition from 1945 until 1991. It was a conflict on an ideologic, an economic and a military level. The USA and the Soviet Union were the most important of the many states which were entangled in this conflict. While the USA had a democratic and relatively conservative political system, the Soviet Union was a communist state as you can find it in a picture-book. After the Allies had won World War II, both states tried to propagate their political systems on the whole world. For example in Germany: As you all know, Germany was divided into two parts after it had lost the war. The USA wanted their part to be a democratic state as the USA was itself. But at the same time the Russians planned their part to be communist. In the 1940s and 50s, you can even find a modern kind of witch hunt in the United states. Only with communists instead of witches. The organisation which led this hunt, was the HUAC . It was led by Senator McCarthy. Their task was to verify that important persons -for example many famous actors- were not members of a communist party. So they made a black list of persons who were suspected of being communist. They also spied into suspected organisations. The consequence was, that the population lived in an atmosphere of distrust. Many people were afraid of being accused being a communist. One of the most famous victims of the HUAC was Berthold Brecht. After a long inquisition by their officials, Brecht ...
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