The Spanish Riding-School
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt die Geschichte, Lage, Architektur und Bedeutung der Spanischen Hofreitschule in Wien. Der Fokus liegt auf den berühmten Lipizzaner Pferden, die dort in spektakulären Aufführungen auftreten. Es wird erklärt, wo die Pferde gezüchtet werden, wer sie trainiert und wie sie ausgebildet werden, um ihre beeindruckenden Manöver wie die Levade, Croupade, Capriole und Pirouette auszuführen. Es wird auch auf die verschiedenen Arten von Aufführungen und Tickets eingegangen, die verfügbar sind. Das Dokument bietet viele Details zur Geschichte und Kultur der Hofreitschule sowie zur Schönheit und Eleganz der Lipizzaner Pferde.
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The Spanish Riding-School 1. The History: It was founded in 1572 by the Habsburg emperors. In 1942 the Nazis removed the horses to Czechoslovakia. From there they were returned to Vienna by the US-Army under General Patton in 1955. A plaque commemorating that event can be seen in the entryway to the Riding School. The horses the Habsburgs bred and trained originally came from Spain that s why the Riding School is called Spanish Riding School. At the Spanish Riding-School you can watch the world-famous Lipizzaner horses perform a kind of ballet. The school itself is a very old institution looking back on a long tradition 2. The Location: The school is located at that part of the Hofburg Palace which is called the Winter Riding School . It is on the left side of St Michael s Gate. In winter the performances take place indoors, in spring and autumn they are outdoors, in the adjoining courtyard. 2.2. The Building: The famous Austrian Baroque architect Joseph Emanuel Fischer von Erlach designed the building of the Winter Riding School for Emperor Charles VI, the father of Maria Theresa. There are two entrances to the building: one from door number 2, Josefsplatz Square, the other from inside St Michael s Gate . 2.3. The Arena: The interior of the school is quite beautiful. The arena is painted white and has got a double gallery for visitors. At the head of the room there is the court box. An equestrian portrait of Emperor Charles VI who commissioned the building hangs in this ...
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