Dahl, Roald: James and the Giant Peach
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Buch „James and the Giant Peach“ von Roald Dahl. Es wird zunächst auf den Autor und seine anderen Werke eingegangen. Danach wird die Handlung des Buches erläutert, in der der Protagonist James eine Reise mit sprechenden Insekten in einer riesigen Pfirsichfrucht unternimmt. Es wird auch die Beschreibung der Hauptfiguren gegeben, zu denen James' grausame Tanten und die Insekten gehören. Schließlich gibt es eine Interpretation des Buches und eine eigene Meinung darüber.
Das Buch thematisiert die schwierige Situation von James und wie er durch Magie und Freundschaft gerettet wird. Es vermittelt auch die Botschaften von Mut, Entschlossenheit und Zusammenhalt. Die lebendigen Charaktere und die fantasievolle Handlung machen das Buch für Kinder sehr unterhaltsam. Insgesamt handelt es sich um eine Empfehlung für Kinderbücher.
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Roald Dahl: JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH THE AUTHOR: Roald Dahl was born in 1916 in Llandaff, Wales. He attended Llandaff Cathedral- , St. Peter´s- and Repton School. Before his career as an author started, he worked as a representative in East Africa for the Shell Oil Company and as air attache. And during the Second World War he was RAF fighter pilot. James and the Giant Peach was Roald Dahl´s second book for children. He wrote it in New York in the winter of 1960 after a long period in which he just wrote stories for adults. Roald Dahl died in 1990 at the age of seventy-four. The motto he used to lived by was: My candle burns at both ends. It will not last the night but ah my foes and oh my friends, it gives a lovely light. Other books written by Roald Dahl are: Boy, Going solo, The BFG, The witches, Matilda, The Twits, Fantastic Mr. Fox, The magic finger, The giraffe and the pelly and me, Charly and the chocolate factory, Charly and the great glass elevator, The complete adventures of Charly and Mr. Willy Wonka, The enormous crocodile, George´s marvellous medicine, Tales of the unexpected, Kiss Kiss, Over to you, Ah sweet mystery of life, and others THE STORY: A little boy called James Henry Trotter, whose parents were eaten by a rhinocerus, lives together with his two aunts Spiker and Sponge in a house on a hill. His aunts don´t treat him well, they always let him work hard and call him bad names. He feels very lonely and is very worried. Till one day, when an old man in ...
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