Reading log of J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye
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Das Dokument ist ein Tagebuch, das am 5. September 2001 von Jemandem geschrieben wurde, der J.D. Salingers „The Catcher in the Rye“ liest und dazu seine Gedanken und Interpretationen festhält. Die wesentlichen Themen, die aufgegriffen werden, sind die Hauptfigur Holden Caulfield's Ablehnung von Konventionen und Hypokrisie, sein Gefühl der Isolation und Entfremdung, seine Unsicherheit über seine Zukunftspläne und seine Suche nach einer tiefen emotionalen Verbindung zu einer anderen Person. Es wird auch diskutiert, ob Holden an Gott glaubt oder nicht, wie er Robert Ackley sieht und wie er über sein Leben an der Schule Pencey Prep denkt. Insgesamt ist das Dokument eine persönliche Reflexion über das Buch und dessen Themen und bietet Einsichten in die Persönlichkeit des Tagebuchschreibers.
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Wednesday, 5th September 2001 Reading log of J.D. Salinger s The Catcher in the Rye Chapter 1 The narrator does not want to tell us something about himself. ... I don t feel like going into it (P.1) He wants the reader to pay attention to his story, not to himself. The narrator, whose name we still do not know, seems to be quite wealthy or rather his brother D.B.: He can afford a Jaguar. P. 2: D.B., being a prostitute. To my mind, the narrator actually does not mean it literally. I think he wants to say that his brother prostitutes himself, meaning, he sells his thoughts and ideas in Hollywood, whereas he could be a great, independent author who does not need to be reliant of this huge entertainment machine. P. 2: They don t need do any damn more molding at Pencey than they do at it at any other school. Obliviously, the narrator does not like school, especially the school is currently attends. Maybe the mentioned advertisement shall show us that the narrator is against this conventions of turning innocent boys into young man having all the same kind of shape . P. 2: this crazy cannon How can a cannon be crazy? P. 3: The Narrator describes old Selma Thurmer. He is a smart and observing young man because he gives a detailed description of her. I think, I could not describe a girl as clear one could almost draw a picture of her- as he does. P. 4: The narrator had been kicked out . To my mind it is his own fault if he does not apply himself enough at school but at the other ...
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