The Beatles
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt die Gründung, Entwicklung und das Ende der Beatles, einer der einflussreichsten und erfolgreichsten Musikgruppen aller Zeiten. Es wird darauf eingegangen, wie sich die Gruppe formte, welche Herausforderungen sie zu meistern hatte und wie sie schließlich zu Weltruhm gelangte. Neben musikalischen Themen werden auch persönliche Hintergründe der Mitglieder sowie politische und gesellschaftliche Entwicklungen der Zeit thematisiert. Das Dokument beschreibt die Bedeutung der Beatles in der Kultur- und Musikgeschichte und zeigt, wie sie das Leben und Denken einer ganzen Generation prägten. Es zeichnet sich durch eine unterhaltsame Erzählweise aus, die auch für Nicht-Musikexperten gut verständlich ist.
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In 1957 John Lennon formed his first group to play Skiffle and American Rock n Roll. He called it The Quarry Men inspired by the name of his school, the Quarry Bank High School. John sang and played guitar and some friends played drums, guitar, washboard, banjo and bass. Probably the most important of them was Ivan Vaughan, a friend of Paul McCartney. John was inspired by Presley s Hartbreak Hotel and therefore introduced songs by Buddy Holly, Bill Haley, Elvis Presley and others. In July Ivan Vaughan invited Paul McCartney to see their gig at the Woolton Church Fete, where he met John Lennon and became a member of his group. Later Paul introduced his friend George Harrison, who was a good guitar player. The group appeared at several local talent contests but had very few gigs. So they disbanded in 1959, but John, Paul and George kept in touch. That might have been the end of the Quarry Men, however, they had a stroke of luck. Mrs. Mona Best opened a new club The Casbah . She engaged John, Paul and George as the trio Johnny & the Moondogs with Paul on drums. By that time John was a student at The Liverpool College of Art. He knew, they needed a bass player, and so asked his fellow student, Stuart Sutcliffe, to join the group on the condition he got his own bass guitar. Stu sold one of his pictures, bought a bass and joined the group in January, 1960. They changed their name to The Silver Beetles . They also began shifting drummer around, Tommy Moore and Norman Chapman only ...
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