Braine, John: Room at the Top

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Braine, John: Room at the Top
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt den Autor und sein bekanntestes Werk „Room at the Top“. Es gibt auch einen kurzen Überblick über andere Bücher, die der Autor geschrieben hat. Die Handlung des Buches wird ebenfalls zusammengefasst, wobei der Leser die Geschichte aus der Sicht des Protagonisten Joe Lampton erfährt. Joe strebt danach, sozial aufzusteigen und eine reiche Frau zu heiraten. Er trifft Susan Brown und beginnt eine Beziehung zu ihr sowie eine Affäre mit Alice, einer verheirateten Frau. Joe muss sich zwischen den beiden entscheiden, als Susan schwanger wird. Am Ende beendet Alice ihr Leben und Joe fühlt sich schuldig daran. Das Dokument umfasst 441 Wörter.
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John Braine, Room at the Top John Braines famous novel of the drivingly ambitious, sexually ruthless Joe Lampton: hero of our time The Author: Born 1922 in Bradford,Yorkshire Finished grammar school at the age of 16 and tried a lot of different jobs Did his National Service in the Royal Navy Wanted to earn a living as a writer after that, but was rejected by the publishers very often. (even Room at the Top was rejected 4 times) Worked as a library assistant until his first book was finally published in 1957. Quotation: Being a writer in a library is rather like being an eunuch in a harem. Due to the great success of his first book he quit his job and kept writing novels which where only moderately successful. The Jealous God, The Crying Game and How to Write a Novel are rather well known Died 1986 in Hampstead, London materialistic side... loved the cash, adulation and movie rights (but) the artistic side of him was irked (excerpt from his profile in a Bradford newspaper) The Story: The story is told by Joe Lampton, who looks back on the events that happened in his life during the first year he lived in Warley, a middle-class English factory town. Before that he lived in Dufton, a working class town which he detests for all the pollution and the people living there. In Warley, he lives at a place called T`Top and works at the Town Hall. His ambitions are to climb up the social ladder and marry a high-grade woman. One key event for him is when he sits inside a cafe and sees ...
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