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Das Dokument beschreibt die Plattentektonik, also wie die Erdplatten sich bewegen und welchen Einfluss das auf Erdbeben hat. Es werden vier Arten von Plattengrenzen beschrieben: divergente, konvergente und transforme Grenzen sowie Plattengrenzzonen, bei denen die Effekte der Plattenbewegungen nicht klar definiert sind. Die divergenten Grenzen entstehen, wenn sich die Platten voneinander weg bewegen, was zur Entstehung von neuem Meeresboden führt. Das bekannteste Beispiel ist der Mittelatlantische Rücken, der sich vom Arktischen Ozean bis zum südlichen Ende Afrikas erstreckt. Durch die Meeresbodenspreizung ist der Atlantik entstanden. Eine Abbildung zeigt, wie sich Island entlang des Mittelatlantischen Rückens aufspaltet. Das Dokument beschreibt auch die verschiedenen Arten von Vulkanen in Island.
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Platetectonics (understanding this reason of an earthquake) Understanding plate motions Scientists now have a fairly good understanding of how the plates move and how such movements relate to earthquake activity. Most movement occurs along narrow zones between plates where the results of plate-tectonic forces are most plain. There are four types of plate boundaries: - Divergent boundaries -- where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. - Convergent boundaries -- where crust is destroyed as one plate slipes under another. - Transform boundaries -- where crust is neither produced nor destroyed as the plates slide horizontally past each other. - Plate boundary zones -- broad belts in which boundaries are not well defined and the effects of plate interaction are unclear Divergent boundaries (two examples) Divergent boundaries appear along spreading centers where plates are moving apart and new crust is created by magma pushing up from the mantle. (Picture two giant conveyor belts, facing each other but slowly moving in opposite directions as they transport newly formed oceanic crust away from the ridge crest.) 1.) Perhaps the best known of the divergent boundaries is the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. This submerged mountain range, which strechtes from the Arctic Ocean to beyond the southern tip of Africa, is one part of the global mid-ocean ridge system that encircles the Earth. The rate of spreading along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge averages about 2.5 centimeters per ...
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