Pinter, Harald: The caretaker
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Theaterstück „The Caretaker“ von Harold Pinter. Der Autor und seine berühmtesten Werke werden vorgestellt, bevor die drei Hauptcharaktere des Stücks, Aston, Mick und Davies, beschrieben werden. Die Handlung wird dann skizziert, in der Davies bei Aston unterkommt und Mick ihn schließlich als Hausmeister einstellt, bevor er später von beiden aufgegeben wird. Pinters Ziel bei dem Stück scheint es zu sein, die menschliche Kommunikation und gesellschaftliche Vorurteile darzustellen, was durch die Sprache der Charaktere deutlich wird.
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The caretaker The author: Harold Pinter was born on the 10th October 1930 in Hackney London. He s one of the most famous English playwrights; his dramas emphasize a sense of unspoken or unexplained tensions between special characters; they often treat themes like loneliness, existential fear, and aimlessness. In his plays Pinter tries to connect absurd, realistic and psychological elements. In his early plays Pinter shows ordinary people threatened or attacked by mysterious forces; that s why these works are often called comedies of menace . In the 80 s he turned to political subjects and attacked totalitarian governments. His most famous works: The Birthday Party (1958), The Dumb Waiter (1957), The Caretaker (1960), No Man s Land (1975) and One for the Road (1984). The characters: Aston: He s a young man and a little bit weird man; he loves working with his hands and seems to be quite good-natured or even a little bit naive. His character bears the stamp of his dark past. Mick: He s a really strange person; at the beginning he tortures Davies psychically; when he talks to him, he always repeats uninteresting things, talks about his family and compares him to his uncle and a bloke he once knew. He doesn t shrink back from insulting Davies, he plays Davies off Aston and often twists his words. Davies: He s arrogant and very racist, he especially discriminates against blacks. He likes smoking his pipe, never smokes cigarettes, never dreams, and never makes noises at night ...
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