Gates, Bill (Microsoft)
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument handelt von Bill Gates, dem Mitbegründer von Microsoft. Es geht um seinen Werdegang und seine Leidenschaft für Computer. Er wurde in Seattle geboren und wuchs in einer wohlhabenden Familie auf. Gates zeigte schon als Kind großes Interesse für Computer und wurde in der Lakeside-Schule ausgebildet. Zusammen mit seinem Freund Paul Allen gründete er die Lakeside Programming Group und begann Programme zu schreiben. Gates und Allen gründeten 1975 die Firma Microsoft, die heute das größte Softwareunternehmen der Welt ist. Die Firma hat viele bekannte Produkte entwickelt, wie MS-DOS, Windows, Excel und Word. Bill Gates ist auch bekannt dafür, der reichste Mann in den USA zu sein. Das Dokument gibt einen kurzen Überblick über seinen Werdegang und seine Erfolge. Es diskutiert auch die verschiedenen Meinungen über seine Persönlichkeit als Geschäftsmann und Computer-Wissenschaftler.
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A homework about Bill Gates ( Microsoft ) At first We want to give you some information about the dates and the education of Bill Gates. Bill Gates was born on October, the 28. 1955 in Seattle. His father William Henry Gates Jn. was a very popular lawyer whose intellectual abilities are enormous. Bill was the second child and only son of his parents. His mother who was a teacher earlier is now an active committee-member in many charity clubs. Bill raised up in a wealthy atmosphere. So he had all the possibilities to live the life he wanted. He was a very intelligent pupil who had been always the best one in his school class. In the academic-aptitude test he got the highest marks. His parents sent him to the Lakeside School, a private school famous for the intellectual success of their students. On this time personal-computers were so expensive that also the Lakeside School could not buy them. So a so named Mother-Club invested 3000 for a computer. But not to buy one. They could only rent a mini-computer without a screen-display because the screen-display was not invented to this time point. Bill Gates and his school friend Paul Allen discovered their passion for computers. They tried to get any information about computers they could achieve but nobody of their teachers knew anything about the new technology. So they tested anything they could with the school computer. They were so fascinated that they came during the night illegal to the computer school room to programme. ...
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