Dickens, Charles: Oliver Twist
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit Leben und Werk des berühmten Schriftstellers Charles Dickens. Es werden wichtige Stationen seines Lebens aufgegriffen, wie seine frühe Kindheit, die Betroffenheit durch die Inhaftierung seines Vaters und seine Arbeit in einer Rußfabrik. Sein Durchbruch als Autor gelang ihm mit dem Buch „The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club“. Später schrieb er das Buch „Oliver Twist“, das durch seine menschliche Empathie für die Armen und seine Fähigkeit, Horror-Atmosphären zu schaffen, auffiel. Weitere bekannte Werke von Dickens waren „David Copperfield“, „The Old Curiosity Shop“, „A Christmas Carol“ und „Great Expectations“. Kritiker beschreiben Dickens als einen eher vulgären Autor, der jedoch eine wichtige Rolle als sozialer Reformer im London des 19. Jahrhunderts spielte. Seine Werke gelten als bedeutende literarische Werke und sind bis heute populär. Allerdings bemängelt der Autor des Dokuments, dass das Buch „Oliver Twist“ zu kurz behandelt wird.
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Today I want to speak about the book Oliver Twist. Charles Dickens one of the most important writers of the 19-century wrote this book. Charles Dickens was born in 1812,the first years he lived in a happily childhood, but then his father got imprisoned; the grimmest time of his life began. Charles Dickens worked 2 years in a blacking factory. He described this awful time in the early chapters of the book David Copperfield. Later he worked as a clerk in a lawyer s office. In 1831 he became a parliamentary reporter, working for The True Sun. In 1836 Charles Dickens married Catherine Hogarth. In the same year he got a job, writing the copy for what is intended to be a series of comic sporting pictures. The result was his comic masterpiece The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. At the age of 24 Mr. Dickens had achieved fame and nationwide popularity. His next bock, however, was a complete contrast of Pickwick. Oliver Twist was remarkable foe the appearance of new qualities in his writing revealing his sympathise for the poor, his hatred of social injustice, and his ability of creating a new atmosphere of horror. The books Nicholas Nickleby, Master Humphrey s Clock, and The Old Curiosity Shop followed. The Old Curiosity Shop was one of his most popular of his novels at that time. Barnaby Rudge in 1841 was the first of his historical novels. In 1842 Charles Dickens visited America, he showed his disappointment over this country in the bocks American Novels and Martin ...
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