Duncan, Lois: Locked in Time
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das vorliegende Dokument enthält eine Inhaltsangabe und persönliche Bewertung über das Buch „Locked in Time“ von Lois Duncan. Es handelt von Nore, die nach dem Tod ihrer Mutter zu ihrem Vater und dessen neuer Familie zieht und merkt, dass etwas seltsam in dieser Familie vorgeht. Ihre Stiefmutter Lisette hat ungewöhnlich viele Ehemänner und ist noch immer jung. Nore erlebt beängstigende Ereignisse wie einen Mordversuch an ihr und ihrem Vater und hat schließlich einen alptraumhaften Traum von ihrer verstorbenen Mutter, die sie warnt. Die Geschichte wird als aufregend und voller überraschender Wendungen beschrieben, jedoch schwierig zu lesen. Die Interpretation des Verfassers wird als zu kurz kritisiert.
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LOIS DUNCAN LOCKED IN TIME Characters: Nore her father her stepmother Lisette her stepbrother Gabe her stepsister Josie her friend Dave The story takes place in New Orleans. Nore visits her father and his new wife Lisette and her children. She feels very sad because her mother has died only one year before and she finds it very unfair that her father has married again. When she arrives at Shadow Grove, Lisettes house, she is shocked that there is only wilderness around the whole estate. Lisette, the 17-year-old Gabe, and the 13-year-old Josie turn out to be very nice. They welcome her in a most friendly way and offer her a place in their family. But Nore is still too disappointed about her father to be able to accept this offer. Only a short time later she is convinced that there must be something strange in this family. Lisette is so unbelievably young, Josie is so desperate that she is only thirteen,... One day Nore meets Dave, a young man from a neighbouring village. He is very nice and he asks her for a date. But she refuses because she knows that her stepsister Josie has fallen in love with him. At night she has a frightening dream: she sees her mother, who warns her that Lisette wants to kill her and her dad. And it is only one day later that on a little boating trip her stepbrother Gabe actually tries to kill her. Nore panics. The situation begins to get out of control when Nore finds out that Lisette has had six other husbands before. And the strange thing is that ...
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