Shaw, Jeffrey
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt den Künstler Jeffrey Shaw sowie einige seiner Werke. Shaw ist ein Experte für neue Technologien und verwendet Computer, Videoanimationen und Multimedia-Installationen, um immaterielle digitale Räume zu schaffen, die der Betrachter betreten und entdecken kann. Die Biographie von Shaw wird ebenfalls beschrieben, einschließlich seiner Ausbildung und seiner Zeit als Gründungsmitglied der Eventstructure Research Group. Wichtige Werke, die diskutiert werden, sind „The Narrative Landscape“, „Going To The Heart Of The Center Of The Garden Of Delights“, „Heavens Gate“ und „The Virtual Museum“. Das Dokument enthält nützliche und interessante Informationen zu Shaws Projekten und bietet eine gute Kurz-Biographie, obwohl weitere Informationen wie Links zu Websites und Büchern über Shaw oder seine neuen Projekte hilfreich wären.
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English-Talk: Jeffrey Shaw (notices) I can imagine that youve probably never heard of Jeffrey Shaw, so Ill tell you first about who he is and then his biography and something about his works. Jeffrey Shaw is used to work with new mechanisms of digital technologies - for example he works with computers, video-animations, multimedia-installations and so on. He lets the work of art grow to a simulation of reality, so he produces immaterial, digital rooms, which the viewer is able to step in. Now the viewer becomes a traveller and discoverer and is no more only a consumer. Now to Jeffrey Shaws biography. He was born on 23rd October 1944 in Melbourne, Australia. 1963 he began to study Architecture and 1964 Art History in Melbourne. 1965 he studied Sculpture at the Brera Academy of Art in Milan and one year later the same subject at St Martins School of Art in London. 1970-1980 Shaw was a founding member of the Eventstructure Research Group, 1989 he was guest professor at the Academy of Art in Rotterdam and 1990 guest professor at the Rietveld Academy in Amsterdam. Since 1991 he is director of the Institut für Bildmedien at the ZKM Zentrum für Kunst Medientechnologie and since 1995 he is professor at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe. He has made interactive media events, installations and sculptures since the mid 60s. He has been awarded the Ars Electronica Prize (Linz) and the LImmagine Elettronica Prize (Ferrara) among others. His works have been shown at major ...
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