Christie, Agatha: The Five Little Pigs; Hercule Poirot; Murder on the Links; The Body in the Library; The Moving Finger; Jane Marple; The Seven Dials Mystery;
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das vorliegende Dokument beschreibt das Leben und Werk der berühmten Krimi-Autorin Agatha Christie. Es enthält Informationen über ihre Kindheit, ihre Ehe mit ihrem ersten Mann und später mit dem Archäologen Max Mallowan sowie ihre Karriere als Schriftstellerin. Agatha Christie ist vor allem für ihre Kriminalromane bekannt, von denen die meisten die Detektive Hercule Poirot und Miss Marple als Protagonisten haben. Die Handlung eines ihrer Romane, Five Little Pigs, wird ausführlich beschrieben. In diesem Buch geht es um einen alten Mordfall, den Hercule Poirot untersucht und letztendlich aufklärt. Agatha Christie gilt als eine der erfolgreichsten Schriftstellerinnen aller Zeiten und hat mehr als eine Milliarde Bücher verkauft. Sie wurde für ihr Werk mit dem Order of the British Empire ausgezeichnet.
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Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Agatha Christie is known throughout the world as the Queen of crime. Her books have sold over a billion copies in the English language with another billion in 44 foreign languages. She is the most widely published author of all time in any language, out-sold only the Bible and Shakespeare. She is the author of 79 crime novels and a short collections, 19 plays, and 6 novels written under the name of Mary Westmacott. She was born Agatha Miller on September 15, 1890, in Torquay, in Devon, England. After her father s death she accompanied her mother on a trip to Egypt and shortly after her return she met her first husband, Colonel Archibald Christie. In 1914 they married in Bristol. Her husband was posted abroad and Agatha became a nurse in a surgical ward, tending the causalities sent back from the front. Then she transferred to the dispensary where she gained a rudimentary knowledge of poisons a knowledge which she later used in her books. Their only child Rosalind was born in 1919. After 1922 the marriage started to break up and in 1926 the stress led to Agatha s disappearance for ten days. She never explained the full story of those ten days which culminated in her discovery in a Harrogate hotel. Two years later, in 1928, she divorced him, still keeping his name professionally. On a trip to Baghdad she met the archaeologist Max Mallowan, whom she accompanied on his excavations in Syria and Iraq, spending several months a year there. They married ...
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