Langston Hughes; Dreams
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Das Dokument ist eine Interpretation des Gedichts „Dreams“ von Langston Hughes. Der Autor/ die Autorin geht auf verschiedene Aspekte des Gedichts ein, wie die mögliche Interpretation der Sprecherin/ des Sprechers und die Bedeutung der wiederkehrenden Bilder. Es geht auch um die Bedeutung von Träumen und wie sie unsere Realität beeinflussen. Der Autor/ die Autorin nennt das Gedicht metaphorisch und betont, wie wichtig es ist, an Träumen festzuhalten, um ein erfülltes Leben zu haben. Die Interpretation besteht aus etwa 450 Wörtern.
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Dreams Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. Langston Hughes Working with the text: Try to imagine: Who could the speaker be? Who might she he be addressing? What might the situation be in which she he is saying this? The two stanzas (or verses) of the poem are very similar because Langston Hughes makes use repetition. Read the poem aloud, then talk about the effect of the repetition. Have a close look at what is different in the two stanzas, especially at the two central images. Looking at the complete poem, what function would you say dreams have for the speaker? Why does doesn t the poem appeal to you? The speaker could be a person, who has gone through a serious disappointment or a hard stroke of fate. It however also could be somebody who wants to award courage to a different one which is in a similar situation. The atmospheric picture of both verses is gloomy. By the reinforcements of the atmospheric picture this impression becomes the hopelessness deepened further in the second verse. The sense of the spiritual cold becomes clearly the hopelessness in a situation for a person who has no more dreams here. The poetic picture is presented as a landscape covered with snow. The image in the first verse a broken-winged bird- signals sadness. The speaker wants to say: I don t fly anymore but I live because my dreams died. There is still a little hope ...
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