The Snake Stone
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das vorliegende Dokument erzählt die Geschichte von James, einem 15-jährigen Jungen, der adoptiert wurde und nichts über seine Vergangenheit weiß. Eines Tages findet er in einer kleinen Box ein Kleidungsstück, ein Stück Papier und einen Stein, der wie eine Schlange aussieht. Auf dem Papier steht die Nachricht „Look after Sammy“, was zur Erkenntnis führt, dass er ursprünglich vielleicht Sammy genannt wurde. James macht sich auf die Suche nach seiner wahren Identität und findet heraus, dass seine Mutter ihn als Baby in einer Kiste vor dem Haus von Elly Champion ablegte. James trifft auf seiner Reise viele Menschen, insbesondere Clair, eine kleine blonde Mädchen, die er das Tauchen lehrt und in die er sich zu verlieben scheint. Schließlich findet James seine Mutter, als er beobachtet wie ein kleines Kind in einen See springt, und realisiert, dass sie ihm den Stein in der Kiste hinterlassen hat, damit er sie finden kann. James kehrt zu seinen Adoptiveltern zurück und akzeptiert, dass er jetzt weiß, wo er hingehört. Das Hauptthema des Dokuments ist die Suche nach der eigenen Identität und wo man hingehört.
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The Snake Stone Plot: James is a 15 year old boy, who is very fond of diving and really good at it. Hes adopted. He doesnt know anything about his Past. And the only few things hes got from when he was a baby are in an small box. He was never interested very much in those things. But then, one day he looked at them. There were some clothes and a small piece of paper. On it was a message Look after Sammy stood there. He was a bit confused, because his name is James. But suddenly he recognised, that Sammy had to be the name his mother called him (thats because James real father has this name). On the other side of the note he could see a few letters which belong to an address. Also in the box was a stone which looked like a snake. He took those two things out of the box. James found out, which address the letters of the Sammy-note show. In Half-Term he decided to go there. But he didnt want to tell his parents, the Logans. They thought that he was going to London to train for an important diving-competition with Ken Eldred. But he went to Holygate. But there he didnt find his mother. He just found the place where his mother gave him away. And he also found Mrs. Ellie Champion. She told him everything what she knows about how he was found. In fact she was the person who found the baby in the mailbox. James decided to went over Horsenose Tor to look for his mother. The first part of the way Clair went with him. Clair is the daughter of Frances, who is the daughter of Mrs. ...
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