Peace and War
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Frieden und Krieg. Zunächst werden die Begriffe definiert und Synonyme für Frieden und Krieg diskutiert. Dann wird diskutiert, ob die Befriedigung der Bedürfnisse der Menschen notwendig ist, um echten Frieden zu erreichen. Es werden auch drei Fallstudien über Konflikte, die zu Kriegen führten, dargelegt. Danach wird über den gerechten Krieg gesprochen und welche Bedingungen erfüllt sein müssen, damit Krieg moralisch akzeptabel ist. Außerdem werden Institutionen zur Erhaltung des Weltfriedens wie die Vereinten Nationen und die NATO besprochen. Schließlich werden fünf verschiedene Arten von Kriegsführung erläutert, darunter wirtschaftlicher Krieg und chemische und biologische Kriegsführung. Das Dokument endet mit der Frage, ob es möglich ist, Frieden zu erreichen, und dem Aufruf zur einseitigen Abrüstung für eine sicherere Zukunft.
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Peace and War We have to define the words peace and war , before we can speak about them. We often mention synonyms like love, co-operation or help when we talk about peace, whereas the words hate, death and killing express the feelings of war.Two experts suggested that the peoples needs must be satisfied to have real peace. Otherwise they are not at peace . If we look at this idea more deeply, it gets more interesting. A human being needs food, health, education and social contact; if somebody is too poor to have these commodities in the right amounts, is he really at peace? But let s think more deeply: We need work, freedom, the chance to work out our own destiny.... can we be at peace if these fundamental feelings are not ours?In my opinion this theory should show us that people who don t have a meaningful life are more aggressive and therefore more likely to start a war or a conflict. But is this really true? I don t think so. Of course a person who has two cars, a family and a big house isn t as much interested in starting a war as a person who has to fight to survive every day, because he has nothing to lose, but his life. Even if this opinion sounds logical to us, I think that we shouldn t generalize it.Of course, no two wars have the same causes, but what is certain is that in every case there are immediate, particular sparks, which trigger off a war. Often there are older roots as well from which the conflict has grown. In fact there are three case histories, which ...
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