J. D. Sallinger; The catcher in the rye
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist eine Zusammenfassung des Romans „The Catcher in the Rye“ von J.D. Salinger. Der Protagonist Holden Caulfield wird als unreif und verantwortungslos dargestellt, der von einer Schule zur nächsten wechselt und schließlich von Pencey Prep School fliegt. Er kehrt nach New York City zurück, um auf eigene Faust zu leben, und trifft auf verschiedene Menschen, darunter seine alte Freundin Jane Gallagher, eine Prostituierte namens Sunny und seine jüngere Schwester Phoebe. Holden umreißt seine philosophischen und gesellschaftlichen Ansichten, seine Gedanken über den Tod und seine Unfähigkeit, Teil der Gesellschaft zu sein, die er für phony hält. Er hat auch eine Vorstellung davon, „der Fänger im Roggen“ zu sein, der Kinder vor dem Erwachsenwerden schützt. Das Dokument endet damit, dass Holden auf dem Karussell mit Phoebe sitzt und weint.
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The catcher in the rye: Short Summary: Holden Caulfield, the narrator of The Catcher in the Rye, begins with the novel with an authoritative statement that he does not intent for the novel to serve as his life story. Currently in psychiatric care, this teenager recalls what happened to him last Christmas, the story which forms the narrative basis for the novel. At the beginning of his story, Holden is a student at Pencey Prep School, irresponsible and immature. Having been expelled for failing four out of his five classes, Holden goes to see Mr. Spencer, his History teacher, before he leaves Pencey. Mr. Spencer advises him that he must realize that life is a game and one should play it according to the rules, but the sixteen year old, who has already left four private schools, dismisses much of what Spencer says. Holden returns to his dormitory where he finds Robert Ackley, an obnoxious student with a terrible complexion who will not leave Holden alone, and Ward Stradlater, Holdens roommate. Stradlater is conceited and arrogant, a secret slob who asks Holden to write an English composition for him. Stradlater prepares for a date with Jane Gallagher, a friend of Holden from several summers before, while Holden goes with Ackley and Mal Brossard into New York City to see a movie. When he returns, Holden does write the composition for Stradlater about his brothers baseball mitt. Holden tells about how Allie died of leukemia several years before and how he broke all of the ...
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