Genetic Engineering and Utopia
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema genetische Manipulation und deren möglichen Folgen. Die Autorin stellt die Frage, ob wir „als Gott spielen dürfen“ und welche moralischen und ethischen Bedenken dabei aufkommen. Es wird auf die verschiedenen Möglichkeiten eingegangen, wie das Verändern des Erbguts von Embryonen oder das Klonen von Lebewesen. Auch die Frage nach dem Zeitpunkt, ab dem Leben beginnt, wird diskutiert. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass es sowohl gute als auch schlechte Möglichkeiten gibt, die genetische Manipulation zu nutzen. Am Ende wird auch das Thema Utopia angesprochen - die Vorstellung einer besseren Zukunft. Verschiedene Quellen werden als Referenz angegeben, darunter Zeitungen, Bücher und Internetseiten.
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Manuela Ziegler SPECIAL TOPIC: GENETIC ENGINEERING & UTOPIA GENESIS 1: .....Then God said And now we will make human beings, they will be like us and resemble us.They will have power over the fish, the birds and all animal domestic and wild. So God created human beings, making them to be like himself. He created them male and female, blessed them and said Have many children so that your descendants will live all over the earth and bring it under their control...... HAVE WE THE RIGHT TO PLAY GOD? Recombinant DNA technology is generally recognised as a very powerful research tool. In the early 1970´s when the technology was being developed, some scientists became concerned that it might be possible to create hazardous microorganisms using recombinant DNA techniques. So molecular biologists from all over the world met to discuss this problem. The outcome of this meeting was that the scientists decided to continue recombinant DNA research using precautions to prevent any possible hazards. This was more than 20 years ago and now we have come so far that we will be able to clone human beings don t forget that we ve already cloned an animal The sheep DOLLY was the first successful try to clone an animal. I think it is frightening how far we ve come till now. Our possibilities have increased. Today we are able to make gene therapies before a human being is even born. We are able to clone living beings - animals as well as humans. We have the possibility to alter the germline (that ...
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