Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument ist ein Essay über die Situation von Frauen in der Gesellschaft. Die Autorin beschreibt die historische Entwicklung und die gegenwärtige Lage von Frauen in verschiedenen Bereichen. Dabei geht es unter anderem um den Arbeitsmarkt, die Bezahlung, das Bildungssystem und die Politik. Die Autorin kritisiert die Diskriminierung von Frauen und fordert Gleichberechtigung. Sie erwähnt auch Erfolge wie das Sex Discrimination Act von 1975 und den feministischen Kampf für Gleichheit. Am Ende des Textes wird die Frage aufgeworfen, ob Männer und Frauen von Natur aus unterschiedlich sind. Der Text ist eine kritische Reflexion über die Rolle von Frauen in der Gesellschaft und bezieht sich auf verschiedene empirische Erkenntnisse.
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Women Moser Uschi 5. HLWA When I wrote this essay I thought I should write it using the word we instead of women Women are a mistake A lot of people shared this opinion less than 100 years ago. Middle class women had only to cook, keep house, sew and perhaps sing. There were only few respectable jobs that we could do, for example teaching and looking after other s people children. In the first and the second World War there was a great change for women. We were needed in offices and factories to fill the places of men at war. But after the war we went back home to do childcare and housekeeping like former. Now women work mainly in service industries like catering education and health and also in clothing and textile industries. Women are still drawn into paid jobs when male workers are in short supply and pushed back into the home when conditions change. A lot of companies advertise with women in top positions, but they don t really want to take us on because we could become pregnant and go on maternity leave. Women should be given preference to men for higher positions, if both are equally qualified. But don t forget that positive discrimination is not always the best way for us Only 25 of management positions are given to us Ms Karen Taylor has been studying women in management and she says that female executives generally run departments that do not build the top of the company. She also maintains that it is nonsense to believe that women generally talk more in mixed ...
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