Unidentified Flying Objects
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Im vorliegenden Dokument geht es um unidentifizierte Flugobjekte, die oft als Plate oder mit hellen Lichtern beschrieben werden. Im Jahr 1967 gab es in England besonders viele Sichtungen von UFOs, darunter auch eine Geschichte in Dartmoor, bei der ein Mann von einem Polizisten auf sechs helle Lichter aufmerksam gemacht wurde. Viele Menschen behaupten, UFOs gesehen zu haben, aber es gibt oft keine Beweise dafür. Im Gegensatz dazu gibt es sogenannte Crop Circles, mysteriöse Kreise in Weizenfeldern, die perfekt sind und in geraden Linien umgebenes Getreide aufweisen. Viele Menschen spekulieren darüber, wie diese Kreise entstanden sind, aber niemand kann die Frage beantworten. Einige schlussfolgern, dass es Aliens geben könnte, während andere glauben, dass UFO-Sichtungen nur eine Illusion sind.
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Unidentified Flying Objects Nobody knows, what are UFOs really, and there is only a few of peoples, who have see one. The most of them say, it looked like a plate, sometimes they say, there were some bright lights. In the year 1967, whole England was take of the UFO-fever. In this Year there were 360 appearances registered, normal there are about 180 appearances. I will tell you about a story in Dartmoor, its in the south-west of England: A man stopped his car because he was tired and wanted to sleep. Then, at about 4 a.m. he woke up, because someone was knocking on the window. A bright light was shining on his face, through the glass he could see a policemen. As he opened the door, the policemen asked him: excuse me, sir, can you help us? What s that? he pointed with his finger into the darkness, there were six bright lights. When we move, they move. When we go fast, they go fast. While he was talking, the Lights disappeared into the night. The next day, the newspaper were full of the story. POLICEMEN SEE UFO. MYSTERY LIGHTS OVER DARTMOOR. POLICE CHASE UFO FOR 14 MILES. During the next few days, more and more people said that they saw the lights. The first comment of the Royal Observatory was that the lights were the Planet Venus. Other astronomers didn t agree. They said, because the sky was cloudy, that couldn t be a planet. Finally, the Royal Observatory agreed that it must been something which wasn t a planet or a star. Many people say they have see an UFO, mostly they ...
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