Grisham, John: The Client
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das vorliegende Dokument ist eine Buchbesprechung des Romans „The Client“ von John Grisham. Es wird die Handlung des Buches beschrieben, die sich in Memphis abspielt und um den elfjährigen Jungen Mark Sway dreht. Dieser wird Zeuge, wie ein Anwalt eines Mafia-Bosses ihm die Leiche eines US-Senators zeigt, die versteckt wurde. Zusammen mit seiner Anwältin Reggie Love kämpft Mark gegen das FBI, um die Wahrheit des Mordes ans Licht zu bringen und seine Familie zu schützen.
Die Figuren des Romans, wie der intelligente Mark Sway und die eigenwillige Reggie Love, werden ebenfalls vorgestellt. Die Autorin gibt zudem ihre persönliche Meinung zum Buch preis und betont, dass Grishams Beschreibung des FBI realistisch wirkt und dass Recht manchmal brutal sein kann.
Insgesamt beschreibt das Dokument die wichtigsten Aspekte des Romans und gibt einen guten Überblick über die Handlung und die Charaktere.
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The Client AUTHOR: John Grisham. OTHER INFORMATION: The book was first published by Century in the United Kingdom in 1993. The story is told by an omniscient narrator who shifts in the point of view. The story contains fory-two chapters. TYPE: novel SUBJECT: The story takes place in Memphis and tells about an eleven-year-old boy, Mark Sway, whom a secret is told where the corp of a US senator is hidden. Together with his lawyer, Reggie Love, they fight against the FBI, because they want to know the location of the murdered senator, at whatever cost of Mark and his family. SYNOPSIS: One day, Mark goes with his brother Ricky into the forest. While the boys are smoking, they see a man who wants to commit suicide. Mark wants to help the man and removes the hose from the exhaust. The man, who is a lawyer of a mafia boss, catches Mark and tells him, where the corp of a killed US senator is hidden. Mark is able to escape before the man kills himself. After that the boys run home and call the police. Mark is asked a lot of questions whether he knows the location of the body of the murdered senator. Mark can´t stand the fact that everybody asks him questions and so he decides to hire a lawyer. Her name is Reggie Love, a woman who first of all does not take him seriously, but when Mark tells her his story, she agrees to take his case. Together, Mark and Reggie try to fight against the FBI and the state. The FBI agents think that Mark keeps very important informations because he does ...
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