From Gliders to Rockets
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit der Geschichte der Luftfahrt, angefangen von den Anfängen mit Ikarus bis hin zur Erfindung des Jet-Antriebs. Es werden verschiedene Themen angesprochen, wie die ersten Versuche mit Ballons, die Entwicklung von Gleitflugzeugen und die Erfindung des Flugzeugmotors. Einen besonderen Fokus legt das Dokument auf die Wright-Brüder und ihre Entwicklung des ersten motorisierten Flugzeugs. Es wird auch auf Pionierleistungen wie die ersten transatlantischen Flüge und die Gründung der ersten Fluglinien eingegangen. Zusätzlich wird die Entwicklung des Hubschraubers und des Jet-Antriebs beschrieben. Insgesamt gibt das Dokument einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Meilensteine in der Geschichte der Luftfahrt und zeigt die Fortschritte bis hin zur heutigen Aviation-Industrie.
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FROM GLIDERS TO ROCKETS Speaker: Thomas Hoffmann, 5HBa, 1996 97 From gliders to rockets To be able to fly is one of the oldest human ambitions. Icarus, who was a legend, flew with feathers and wings out of wax too near the sun. So the wax melted and Icarus died. People in the ancient world tried to copy him, but all with disastrous results. First, people thought that the way to fly would be to design a machine with flapping wings like a bird`s. But the first people who took to the air did it with the help of a hot air balloon. Those people were the brothers Montgolfier from France. That happened in 1783. But balloons were at the mercy of the wind for their direction and speed, so they were no use as a means of transport. So Sir George Cayley designed the first successful passenger-carrying glider in 1853. He worked out the principle of lift , which is obtained by making the upper surface of the wing convex, and keeps the wing airborne. The greatest glider pioneer of the age, Otto Lilienthal, died after nearly 2000 flights in a glider he built himself. Flying by steam Other inventors tried making steam-powered aircraft. But the flights which could be made were only a few metres long. The people, who were responsible for the breakthrough in flying were two American brothers: Orville and Wilbur Wright. They lived in the 19th century. The Wright-brothers ran a bicycle business. In their spare time they directed all their attention to aeronautics. The Wrights saw that there were ...
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