Stevenson, Robert Louis: Treasure Island
Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument beschreibt das Buch „Treasure Island“ von Robert Louis Stevenson. Der Autor wird vorgestellt und sein Leben kurz zusammengefasst. Das Buch handelt von einer Gruppe von Piraten, die auf einer Insel einen Schatz vergraben haben. Das Ziel der Geschichte ist es, den Schatz zu finden. Es gibt eine Zusammenfassung der Handlung, inklusive der wichtigen Charaktere wie Jim Hawkins, Dr. Livesey und John Silver. Die Piraten kämpfen gegen eine Gruppe von Leuten, die versuchen, den Schatz zu finden. Am Ende gibt es einige Überlebende und der Schatz wird verteilt. Die Erzählung wird als spannend und mit gut beschriebenen Charakteren beschrieben.
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Treasure Island By Robert Louis Stevenson author: Robert Louis Stevenson was a scotisch writer. He was born on the 13th of November 1850 in Edinburgh and died on the 3rd of December 1894 in Apia Samoa. Stevenson studied lawyer but he earned his money with the writing of fabulous traveladventures. Since his childhood St. was consumptive and so he lived in France and in Switzerland because of the better climate. In 1883 he wrote Treasure Island which became his biggest success and made him rich. With the money he afforded to live on the Island Samoa. After a lot of stories of the scotisch history he created the representation of a divided personality in Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886). Persons: Jim Hawkins the landlord s son Dr. Livesey country doctor Mr. Trelawney the squire Ben Gunn a maroonded man John Silver ship s cook Captain Smollett Buccaneers (pirates) Summary: The story plays in the 18th century. There are buccaneers who robbed ships and buried the haul on an island years ago. One of the man had a map with the exact notes of the treasure. Alcohol and brutality are deciding the action the aim is the treasure. This map was handed over to the country doctor Livesey by the landlord s son Jim Hawkins. Dr. Livesey visited Mr. Trelawney, the squire, and showed him the map of treasure island. Trelawney was immediately willing to buy a ship and sign on a crew to find the treasure together with Livesey and Jim. Captain Smollett a honest man with good knowledge of human nature ...
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