Australian Holidays:
Überblick über die wichtigsten australischen Feiertage. Es gibt weitere, nur in den einzelnen Staaten oder gar Städten wirksame, Feiertage.
01.01 - New Years Day
26.01 - Australia Day
18.04 - Good Friday
19.04 - Easter Saturday
21.04 - Easter Monday
25.04 - ANZAC Day
11.06 - Queen's Birthday
25.12 - Christmas Day
26.12 - Boxing Day
-New Year’s Day (1st January)
-The Australian-Day (26th January) The Australian-Day reminds the arrival of the British in 1788. For the Aborigines this of course isn’t a holiday
-Eastern (Karfriday till Easter Monday)
-The Anzac-Day (veteran memorial, 25th April) At the Anzac-Day Australia celebrates the anniversary of the in the First World War at Gelibolu in Turkey landed Anzac-Units. The word Anzac is a deduction of the English term for „Australian and New Zealand Units” (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). The Anzac-Day honours those, who victimized their life for their country in war.
-The birthday of Queen Elisabeth II. (Second Monday in June, though she was born in April)This day is celebrated because Australia belonged to the UK in former times.
-The 1st (25th December) and the 2nd Christmas Holiday (Boxing Day, 26th December)
The Boxing Day has its name because of the little container of clay, with which the businessmen and the clerks walk around in former times to get tips.
The art of the Aborigines:
The current Australian Aborigine artists refer in their pictures mainly to the mythological dream world of their ancestors. This dream picture shows a holy place of the mythology of the Aborigines, in which time and space are closely twisted.
The art of the Aborigines had a cultural and ritual meaning most of all. Sand-, rock- and cave-painting as well as carvings and other types of art were wide spread. These types of art were very nature similar and the figural representations often shown in front of an empty background. Other arts were ritual body painting and body decoration, which are still very popular in Central Australia.