Pulp Fiction

Vince Vega, Jules, Quentin Tarantino, Bruce Willis, crime, violence, Referat, Hausaufgabe, Pulp Fiction
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
In dem vorliegenden Dokument geht es um den Film Pulp Fiction von Quentin Tarantino. Es werden die wichtigsten Charaktere des Films vorgestellt, darunter Vincent Vega, Jules Winfield, Marcellus Wallace, Mia Wallace, Butch Coolidge und weitere. Die Handlung des Films wird grob zusammengefasst, wobei auf wichtige Szenen wie die „Marvin situation“ oder die „Zed-and-Maynard situation“ eingegangen wird. Es werden auch die Charaktere beschrieben und ihre Motivationen erläutert. Es wird darauf hingewiesen, dass der Film keine tiefgehende Bedeutung hat und der Regisseur Quentin Tarantino sich nicht darum bemüht hat, eine Moral zu vermitteln. Die Gewalt im Film wird als ästhetisches Mittel betrachtet und mit Tanzsequenzen verglichen.
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Auszug aus Referat
Pulp Fiction Folie: PULP(pulp) n. 1. A soft, moist, shapeless mass of matter. 2. A magazine ar book containing lurid subject matter and being characteristically printed on rough, unfinished paper American Heritage Dictionary: New College Edition The main characters are: Vincent Vega, a white criminal who has just come back from Amsterdam Jules Winfield, a Negro, a criminal too Marcellus Wallace, their boss, and the boss of the Califroniyn criminals Mia Wallace, his wife Butch Coolidge, a boxer Fabienne, his girlfriend Pumpkin and Honey Bunny, a couple who rob liquor stores and small shops Maynard and Zed, two hillbillies Folie Ende Vincent and Jules are driving to an apartement building. Vincent talks about his being in Amsterdam. They have to fetch a suitcase which belongs to Marcellus. In the room 49 three guys are having breakfast: Brett, Roger and Marvin. They betrayed Mrcellus by taking his suitcase. Jules and Vincent find the suitcase and kill Roger. film: Marvin situation They arrive at Jimmie`s. His wife is comming home soon and Jimmie doesn`t want her to see the bloody car so Jules phones Marcellus who sends the Wolf. The Wolf is a guy who solves problems. After having cleaned the car Jules and Vincent pull off their suits and get into Bermuda shorts and T-shirts. They decide to have breakfast together and go to a café. Jules wants to quit his job and just walk around the earth until God tells him that he has to settle down. In the same café Pumpkin and Honeybunny ...
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