Mixed Authors: Canadian Short Stories

Referat, Hausaufgabe, Mixed Authors: Canadian Short Stories
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Beschreibung / Inhalt
Das Dokument gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte Kanadas, angefangen bei den ersten europäischen Siedlern, die um das Jahr 1000 n.Chr. von Wikingern auf der östlichen Küste landeten, über die Ansprüche verschiedener europäischer Staaten auf kanadisches Territorium und die Gründung der selbstverwalteten Dominion of Canada im Jahr 1867. Der Text behandelt auch politische Konflikte in Kanada, wie den Separatistenbewegungen in Quebec und Forderungen nach mehr politischen Rechten für die indigene Bevölkerung Kanadas, sowie das freie Handelsabkommen zwischen Kanada und den USA. Ein weiterer Teil des Dokuments beschäftigt sich mit den allgemeinen Merkmalen von Kurzgeschichten und stellt Beispiele kanadischer Kurzgeschichten vor, darunter eine Zusammenfassung und Interpretation von „Scarlet Ibis“ und „Significant Moments in the Life of My Mother“ von Margaret Atwood.
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English Main Topic Canadian Short Stories Peter Reich-Rohrwig, 8B An Overview of Canadian History Around the year 1000 Vikings landed on the eastern coast of Canada, nearly five hundred years before the official discovery of the New World by Columbus. A reconstruction of a settlement of thatched houses in Newfoundland is a reminder of these first European settlers on the North American continent. Five years later, in 1497, the Italian Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot) who was in the employ of the English King Henry VII, travelled round the coast of what later became the Atlantic Provinces and claimed them for England. In the 1630`s, Jacques Cartier claimed the area around what was to become Quebec as French territory. Another seventy years would go by, however, before the first French settlement would be established in Port Royal. From the early 17th century onwards French explorers pressed further into the interior of the country, looking for new shores, while English marines sailed round the north of America unaware. The British fur trading company, the Hudson`s Bay Company, founded in 1670 under English royal patronage, put a stop to the uncontrolled French colonisation of Canada, and brought the entire countryside in its area under its control. Battles between the two sides over land rights, spheres of influence, and rights to hunting and fishing grounds, became the norm over the next one hundred years, until the Treaty of Paris in 1736 settled ownership issues in North ...
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