Africa s lagging economy

Witchcraft, misery, NEPAD, David Singer, Referat, Hausaufgabe, Africa s lagging economy
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Das Dokument beschäftigt sich mit den Gründen für Afrikas politische und wirtschaftliche Lage, insbesondere mit Blick auf die weit verbreiteten Praktiken und Überzeugungen in der afrikanischen Gesellschaft wie Ahnenkult, archaisches Zeitverständnis und Hexerei. Es werden Narrative von Menschen aus der Elfenbeinküste und Ghana analysiert, um zu zeigen, wie die besagten Praktiken und Überzeugungen die Menschen daran hindern, aufzusteigen und erfolgreich zu sein, da Erfolg oft mit Neid und Hexereivorwürfen verbunden wird. Auch die patron-klient Beziehungen und die fehlende Arbeitsethik in der Gesellschaft werden untersucht. Das Dokument zeigt, dass es nicht allein die Schuld der Kolonialisten ist, dass Afrika in seiner Entwicklung stagniert, sondern dass die Probleme größtenteils hausgemacht sind.
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Auszug aus Referat
Africa: Big, rich und full with capabilities. But the black continent doesn t come out of its misery. Why? The common opinion on this topic is that it s the fault of us, the white, who did all these nasty things in the colonial period and later on, like slavery and ruthless exploitation of the continent. This has disrooted the Africans and they aren t able to cope with this. This was also my opinion because you hear nothing else about it, even in school. But is this the full truth? NO say (even black) scientists. The biggest problems are homemade Huge development sums trickle away useless, but whether globalisation neither the west is guilty. Most of following text is based on the studies of the swiss ethnology professor David Signer, who has researched for years in Africa. He points out the reasons for the lagging political and economic situation. Traditions refrain the progress. They are called: ancestor-cult, archaic time-understanding and the belief in witchcraft. I want to start with three typical fates across the continent. At first we have Jean-Claude, he is a clever young inhabitant of a small town in Cote dIvoire. Like most of the people in his age, he does most of the time nothing. He complains about the lack of jobs and the stagnating economy, but suddenly he evinces the actual obstacle for Africa s development: Witchcraft. In Africa witchery is real. Witches eat achiever and students from their own relationship best. The soul of a family member is taken at night ...
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